910 256 3031

Realtor Referral Program

Have an investor client looking for property management services? We can help.

At SPM Residential Services, we know that relationships are important. That's why when you refer a client to us, you can rest assured that they will be treated with the care and respect you've shown them.

  • Did your client recently purchase a property they're not yet ready to occupy? We can assist them with full-service property management. Putting a well-qualified tenant in place and having professionals overseeing their property will not only reduce stress, but also generate income until they're ready to move in.

  • Do you have a client looking to purchase additional investment properties? Our property management experts can consult with you and your clients to ensure they purchase property in the most in-demand areas that will generate maximum rental income.

We compensate licensed NC brokers for both property owner and tenant referrals.

Connect with our Business Development Team to submit a referral by completing the form .

Refer a Client

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